13 June 2012

30 days and 1 Nook Tablet!

My husband runs a Internet Marketers meeting every 1st and 3rd Tues of the month at a local bookstore.  He, along with fellow people try to encourage and teach others how to succeed at making a business on the internet.  People ask questions, learn many things about building websites and the share about the keys to success on the web.  It's great for people to come together and to learn but it's another to put action into what you have been taught.  Many come to the meeting and never start.  So in hopes to help the people attending the meeting, my husband will be starting a 30 day blogging challenge open to everyone who attends the meeting.  Here are the rules:
  1. Blog for 30 days consecutively
  2. Have atleast one photo within your blog that is titled something other than numbers
  3. Blog post must be atleast 351 words (that's when Google recognizes your blog site)
  4. Email my husband a link to your blog as well as the 351+ text 
Pretty simple right!  We'll see.  The challenge starts this week.  So I encourage you to keep coming back to my site.  I will be blogging for 30 days straight!  Oh, I almost forgot the most important part  of this contest!  After the 30 day challenge, those in the running will have a chance to win a Barnes and Nobles Nook Tablet valued at $199!  Though my husband and I are putting up the money for the contest prize, I think that's worth the challenge! 

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